Important Notice
CSLA wants to make sure that we continue to provide an environment that feels safe for all clients and families as the world gets back to normal. All of our staff have been fully vaccinated and we want to continue to do everything we can to keep our families and kids safe. With masking mandates lifted in the State of Maryland for many businesses, our owner and staff are asking that everyone over the age of 4 continue to wear mask and be aware of social distancing while in our medical practice.
As a friendly reminder, our office will continue with hand washing or sanitizing prior to therapy, a parking lot waiting room and ask that all visitors over 4 years of age wear a mask. All parents and clients are asked to wait in their car until the time of their appointment, return to their car for the duration of their child’s session, and pick up their child about 3 minutes before the end of their appointment.
We are so excited for how far we've come!
Thank you 6/10/21
Update 10/22/20
CSLA wants to make sure that we continue to provide an environment that feels safe for all clients. With more children returning to in-person therapy, our owner and staff ask that all clients continue to follow social distancing and masking mandates set by the State of Maryland for businesses. When waiting to start or end therapy, please be aware of social distancing and masking protocols that we have put in place to ensure our office is able to operate safely.
As a friendly reminder, our office will continue with a parking lot waiting room and requiring visitors over 4 years of age wear a mask. All parents and clients are asked to wait in their car until the time of their appointment, return to their car for the duration of their child’s session, and pick up their child about 3 minutes before the end of their appointment.
Thank you
Update 5/26/20
Hello to all our parents and clients! I and my staff cannot tell you how much we have looked forward to letting you know that our office will be reopening on Monday, June 1st, 2020 and we are SO looking forward to seeing you all again.
These last couple of months have been an unprecedented test of endurance, resilience, and sacrifice for every household. As your family committed to “shelter in place”, our staff and I thank you for making our families safer through your action. And likewise, our speech therapists and staff have made the same commitment to your family and our community.
Some of the measures we are taking to protect our clients are:
Therapists and staff will be wearing PPE, including masks, face shields if needed, etc.
All parents and children over the age of 4 will be required to wear a mask when entering our office. We understand this may be difficult for some children and are equipped with several safety precautions to deal with this on a case by case basis.
Parking lot waiting room – all parents and clients will wait in their car until the time of their appointment, return to their car while therapy is occurring, and return at the end of their child’s session.
Each client’s temperature will be taken in-office by our staff prior to starting therapy
Hand washing stations for each client prior to starting therapy
All therapy rooms sanitized between each client
All therapy equipment sanitized as used
Plexiglass screens for each therapy table with a pass through for materials
Floor mats have been installed for all children who are too young to be seated at the table, which will be sanitized between clients
Social distancing measures mapped out in hallway and waiting room
All common areas in our office will be sanitized regularly as used
Each client will be asked to complete a quick health status questionnaire as directed by the state of Maryland at each appointment located at front desk
Over the past two weeks, we have been contacting all clients letting them know of the option to return to in-person therapy, following the new guidelines put in place to keep everyone entering Chesapeake Speech Language as healthy as possible. If we have not heard back from you and you are interested in resuming regular services or starting teletherapy, please contact our office at your convenience. Our staff will be able to place your child right back in their regular scheduled in-person appointment time.
With all the safety precautions and cleaning measures put in place, we feel that we can provide a safe environment to return to normal business hours. We have missed you and are excited to move forward treating our client’s speech and language needs.
Thank you for trusting us with your children’s care!
Update 3/28/20
Our office previously informed you that due to COVID-19 we would be closed through March 27th, 2020. However, in accordance with the CDC and Governor Hogan ordering all non-essential business to temporarily close, Chesapeake Speech Language Associates will remain closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.
Although we are not sure of our return date, I do want to let you know that we are doing all we can to serve our clients and keep you informed. Regardless of the extended absence, it is important to let you know that your child’s schedule will remain as is and no client loses their spot or time due to our closure. All clients will be able to resume therapy as normal once our office reopens.
CSLA does not coordinate with the school system but will follow all guidance and recommendations given by the CDC and Governor Hogan. We will continue to evaluate this fluid situation and will provide updates as they occur. All updates or changes in regards to our office are also posted on our Facebook page.
Thank you for your understanding during this time and we look forward to seeing you all in good health once we return.
Update 3/17/20
After much consideration, Chesapeake Speech Language Associates will be putting all speech therapy services on hold as of Tuesday, March 17th at 8:00 a.m. through Friday, March 27th. This closure is in accordance with the guidance of the CDC and aligns with the local recommendations given by Governor Hogan. We will keep in touch with all clients to inform of any changes to this restart date.
Our office has had clients who, although, were not seen at our facility while ill, have experienced cold, flu symptoms, as is typical for all cold and flu seasons. None have been tested for COVID-19 because they have not met the requirements for testing, and all are well at this time. Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to temporarily stop seeing patients this week and next week. The success of Chesapeake Speech Language Associates is all due to our amazing clients and staff, and we want to keep their health and safety our primary concern.
Although our office will not be seeing clients for therapy, we remain available for questions or concerns via email and phone. All messages will be checked Monday through Friday and will be returned in a timely manner.
Our staff will let you of any updates or changes to this closing if they occur. All updates can also be found on our website at www.chesapeakespeechlanguage.com and Facebook page.
We look forward to seeing you all in good health when we return to normal.
Update 3/12/20
As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 news and health recommendations, we wanted to keep you updated on how CSLA is remaining informed and following best practices outline by the CDC and MDH:
Handwashing with soap for every client. We ask all clients who enter the suite to wash their hands upon entrance. Clients may use the bathroom located in the waiting room or request a key for the hallway bathroom. Our clinicians are also asking parents if their child has had their hands washed and if not, will wash their hands together at our handwashing station in the back of our office. This is something our staff has been vigilant about for the past 2 weeks, making sure all clients hands are
washed prior to therapy.
2. Our staff is utilizing updated cleaning procedures in accordance with recommendations from the CDC and MDH. Our office/waiting room is wiped down with these products multiple times per day and all clinicians are working hard to keep therapy materials and office supplies sanitized.
3. Please eliminate extended time waiting for your appointment. We are asking that if possible, to please wait in your car prior to your scheduled time and leave promptly following your child’s appointment. This is simply to eliminate larger groupings of people in our waiting room. We have temporarily removed our blocks and wooden activity cube to eliminate additional spreading of germs.
4. Any client with flu-like symptoms are kindly asked to reschedule their appointments. Any clients or staff who demonstrate flu-like symptoms will be asked to stay home and reschedule their appointment for the following week.
5. If you have traveled to any of the locations identified as Level 3 by the CDC to observe the 14 day self-quarantine.
The cleanliness and safety of our clients and staff has always been our top priority. This is an ever-changing situation and we will continue to follow the CDC and MDH recommendations closely. Our office will remain open as we take the mentioned precautions to protect our staff, clients, and families.